At the same time, organizations must take a prudent approach to investing in cybersecurity, recognizing that real security is not an off-the-shelf commodity. Leaders should prioritize allocating resources to building strong internal capabilities, including skilled security teams, comprehensive security policies, and implementing continuous monitoring and improvement processes. By doing so, they not only improve their security posture but also contribute to the advancement of the cybersecurity profession.
Our mission is clear and challenging: to reclaim cybersecurity from superficial exploitation and reposition it in the pursuit of robust, procedural defense. True practitioners need to stay focused on key processes such as vulnerability assessment, threat modeling, and incident response, avoiding distractions from buzzwords and external trends. They must challenge vendor claims, insisting on rigorous testing and evidence of effectiveness before integrating new solutions.
Ask the current situation
Additionally, it is important to question the status quo in all areas, from industry standards to popular cybersecurity conferences, which often resemble a sales and marketing circus rather than providing practical, actionable information.
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