1. Durlauf reviews Koyama and Rubin, and Brad DeLong.
2. Some comments on Norway and the income taxes that have not yet been realized. And Scott Sumner, in his new Substack, on how to manage tax.
3. Chinese students’ views on the risk of AI.
4. Pentium as Navajo weaving.
5. “I think hate is a big part of any complete emotional system and aesthetic system. And Adam Smith talked about it. It fits the schemes in his plan.” Link here.
6. What does it take for an AI to write decent novels.
7. One of the most important papers of the last two decades, on wage stability, is now provisionally accepted at the AER.
8. “Today we launch Progress Ireland, a think tank whose mission is to connect Ireland with ideas that will help unlock its potential.”
9. Podcast with the guy who built a fusion reactor in his bedroom.
10. Guidelines for behavioral economics, 2024.
11. The University of Austin is now open.
12. Has crime in San Francisco really gone down?
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