Two top sports readers have teamed up to launch our biggest “Double Your Donations” challenge ever! So please head straight to the Tip Jar to make their giveaway a smashing success!
This match offer is for a donation of any size, up to a total value of $9,000. So dig deep! We are a little behind where we should be. Your responses to their great support can help us reach the top.
Our goal is to continue to provide you with the rich, high quality, wide variety of food you have come to expect. We have the highest number of new donors ever, a very healthy sign, and our average donation is above our strong level of last year. But our total donations fall short.
We suspect that this outbreak is due to the fact that this site is also early and accurate, especially in describing the killings in Gaza as such. One of the costs of our fearless comments is that others don’t want to hear them. But for those who have the guts for rigorous, unreserved inquiry to get the best information and tease out its implications, we need your support to resist the pressure to say what’s fair, instead of telling the truth. So please donate generously on the donation page.
Students continue to tell us what Naked Capitalism means to them. Reply from Lynn H:
As I think you know I am a long time reader and I really appreciate Naked Capitalism for the information and education you provide and the sense of community (even for people like me who are just lurkers).
With the time difference, NC is no longer the first thing I read in the morning, but it continues to be the most important thing I read. So, I wait (impatiently!) to read the Daily Links at 12pm and the afternoon Watercooler at 7pm!
Thank you again for all your hard work, and I also greatly appreciate the efforts of Lambert, Nick, Conor and your moderators and NC students who contributed their knowledge. I just don’t know where I would be without Naked Capitalism as a resource.
Answer from Aaron C:
I appreciate all that you all do and reading your site every day. There really is no place like your comments section–and that’s a compliment.
And Steve K:
NC is usually my first stop of the day. You and your colleagues provide well-rounded summaries and excellent links on very broad topics.
And Janice:
Keep up the good work. I’m one of your best hiders 😉
You can give here, by check, debit or credit card, PayPal, Clover or Wise. If you donate by check (we love checks!), please let us know by emailing us at [email protected] with “Greatest Challenge Ever” in the subject line.
Thank you to our wonderful donors for their generosity. I hope readers will respond in kind.
So no more shilly-shallying! Whether you can give $5, or $50, or $5,000, now is the time to give! Use this challenge to double your gift All donations help us meet our goals.
And another important way to help is to tell others about our work, either in person to friends, family, and colleagues, or on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Please download our Song 2024 and share it widely. Not only is it a combination of the student’s wit and wisdom in the form of verse, but it is also a good theater for potential new students.
So I hope you’ll take our wonderful fans on their fundraiser challenge in whatever way you can!
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