Kiberphant0m joined the Telegram channel dedicated to scamming “Cowgirl” in June 2024, under the handle “Buttholio”, which is Kiberphant0m. This was brought up as evidence after another member of “Cowgirl” mocked “Buttholio” as a loser, Krebs noted.
In a game discussion on Discord, in September 2023, Buttholio told others that they bought the game in the US, but played it in Asia. “The USA is where the game was purchased, the server location is real on the game servers you play on. I am a soldier in my country so I bought it in the states but I exchanged so I have to use Asian servers,” they shared, adding “Come to Korea, the servers are no one giving out campers or scammer”.
Months later in January 2024, Cyberphant0m joined the Telegram channel “Dstat,” where hackers discussed distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and tried to sell DDoS through rental kits, where one user wrote that “hi buttholio.” Kiberphant0m agreed to say hello with “wsg” (what a good one).
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