“Europol’s downgrade of MATRIX underscores the important implications for enterprise CISOs regarding the security of encryption. “While the methods used by the authorities remain undisclosed, this incident highlights that no system is impenetrable, and that encryption vulnerabilities can come from operational weaknesses such as technical errors,” said Shea. “CISOs should be aware of the reduced lifespan of current encryption standards. Cryptography often relies on hard mathematical problems, but as computing power improves, these problems are increasingly solvable. CISOs should use multi-layered protections such as tokenization, zero proof, distributed storage, and other technologies that protect data even if encryption is compromised. This approach ensures a robust defense against the rapid evolution of both technology and threats. “
Another security expert, Audian Paxson, chief technology strategist at Ironscales, said that written communication in business is surrounded by other technologies, and the rest The code fragments may be a reverse of the encryption application.
“I think that this downgrade of MATRIX shows that criminals do not lose because encryption is cracked. It is because the law enforcement officers are looking at everything around them,” he said. “They go after the infrastructure, the storage facilities, sometimes even the people who use these platforms. It’s not a Hollywood hack. It’s the work of a more patient approach, like taking over servers or using internal intelligence.”
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