The story of CISIS success: LA COUNT (and employees) workers fight crime

It costs the San Bernardino County $ 1.1 Million to resolve the attack on Zeqanzana in the Sheriff Department at the beginning this year. Jeff Aguilar, a major access to FOS Angeles County, has hope to prevent the same fate in any of 38 County departments are not charged in protection.

Aguilar, holding the highest posts in La County since 2018 and was CSO last year, growing Federal, State, Cyberattacks referred to the public sector focusing on 40% in quarter. Second 2023 at the same time last year. And although the County has now avoided the main event, the Akurliyal is able to keep the record will need diligence, resolving, and – this is complete communication and industry workers and county employees under his clock.

This helps with efforts to measure his own departments, to be conviction. And more.

In fact, unlike many cosos, you are a strong believer in sharing understanding that can help other government structures and home. This is determined to hear and share various ideas permission to restart the various resources, including the rules of government, health care, financial, and transportation.

A point that focuses on Ashular to learn more about his cooperation and what makes him one of the highest Cyberherverthertherthertherthertherviger.

(The following dialog is designated and length.)

In the first planning, the reporting structure of County – who reports – it seems, well, is well complex.

We have a specified model: I report to County COO. Each department serves as an independent business and has its CIO department and Security Security. Their work is to make cyberercere policies and a strategy for my team that puts on the board level.

I have twice twice reporting to me and I rent two more. We plan a collection of collections (for operating purposes), for each collection that is represented by a specific area of ​​our business. Therefore, for example, health care is one line of business and the enforcement is one. My deputies will cover separate collections according to their sets and requirements. We establish the guards of cybersercidence ohganithi from high views, along with the doors working within those.

Both the United States of the United States and LA Housing Authority has just suffered data suffering. When you see those things very close to home, do they increase alarm rims?

Yes, any organization with sensitive data is a potential target.

I’m talking to many cosos and local municipalities. We regularly share reading lessons and ask, “What is used, what can I do, and what can I imitate?” I think it’s one of the things, maybe, LA County does differently than other government agencies. We push cooperation to the government. There is clarity.

Obviously, I don’t want to enter your growth and what we do directly. But we always talk too much, especially in terms of strategies and events for the answer, from the District Vision.

You look at the cyberercere policy of departments with more than 100,000 employees. All you need is one of those departments that should walk functions about good planning to be organized. How do you guarantee complying?

Yes, it is a challenge. Fortunately for us, we live under Internal Audit. I know more people who don’t look at books as adding value. But I do because you only know what you know, and AUGHTITS is a good way to ensure compliance with points.

Therefore, our department I am making such magazines run although there are other insecurity. They want to comply with internal board policy. We have technology guidelines and standards. Each department is reviewed and should be assured of those policies and guidelines. This is going on. All doors are attacked many times a year.

And then, every time, we will see the Federal books.

By studying our inner books, I often point out when I think gaps are available and allow them to see what they can find. After their report entered, we will usually develop a program of development. That motivates a series of organization leadership for awareness. In this way, we know that we receive appropriate attention to solve any issues that can be.

Therefore many County workers, you have your hands full.

Definitely. One of the basic security systems is a person – employee – it remains a very weak link.

Organizations with millions of dollars into a control center, and everything can be prevented by one click. Therefore, we are very aggressive with awareness training training for each business line – because the business method is done on the same department may be completely different.

Month of awareness of the National Cyber ​​Sercuring, we are addressing staff, and we bring merchants and industry leaders to share learned lessons and security with Dons. And I think we’re better in consulting this story.

We find final users to care for those wrong experts by forming the emotional answer beyond city environment. They can take what they read at home and use you in their lives.

We have a full holiday purchase, and there will be a complete increase in sensitive information that will appear in the appearance, say, Amazon, IRS, whatever they will need to be aware of. People see those things and respond emotionally and can just click without thinking. We really released our program to help teach them about such things, at work and at home.

How do you know if your awareness training works?

We’re doing so digging. We make the gaseth. I clicked the prices of all the Department and wrap in the County Level. I can look that year a year, and we change training where it makes sense. We do not make the cut cookie training every year. We are preparing for the Hotspots in the industry and tropical areas in the County.

Therefore, our criminal crime campaigns are more different than before before being done in the first election next year. Seasoning workers with the formal information emails through messages intended to raise them, like we, “your group associating has changed; click this link if you have promised this to happen.”

We always look at regional and geopolitical issues and adjust our studies from time to time.

Do you do any such as hunting of fear to find the risk?

Oh yes, although we release things like those because of the level of experience you need. We try to build that skills inside. But to us, it is reasonable to have faithful partners to help with threatening exercise. The hunting of the threat is a good tool, and it is not new. But maybe it is well undergoing a lot of government organizations because it includes the management of the end and a particular technology, which can be complex.

I am the great Fei of Att Att & CK Framework [a reference detailing tactics and techniques commonly used by attackers during network intrusions]We also make many tables, according to the threatening form, to see what can happen to our region or other tunnels.

Therefore, everything is back to partnership. Because if the city of Los Angeles is attacked by us, it is possible and happened in Pasadena, Santa Monica, Burbank, or elsewhere.

Tell us about a difficult lesson you’ve read about last year.

No, fortunately, we have never any major events. But we are worried about the management of the risk provision and try to do it better.

Solarwinds Hack (when players with hackers include the malicious computer in the most commonly used software to break tens of thousands of government networks) bringing the lighting. We are a big County. We have many sellers. Therefore, to enter at the top of the provision of property is important to us. We always ask, “What is our third risk? Which risk is from the other country all? And how do we ensure our security needs?”

To deal with that, we create something called our safety and privacy policy, which prevents District obligations and the meetings agreement, and active regulations, and active industry standards. It comes to everything from the research of events of events, and so on.

We have Addondum of different clouds, and now we have written to cope with the use of Generative Ai because we are convinced that it is here. In fact, we want to put the Guardrals of that now there is time.

How do you live before the cable in this new and emerging technology?

I think many cosos have the same playbook for that. We talk to each other, and we decide what happened in the industry.

To be a governmental issue, I find many threats from Federal partners, including MS-SAC (sharing more information and information sharing).

There are many useful details from all that. We also have monthly meetings with FBI to find a good sense of what is happening in the discretion of the nation of nation. And then, there’s your curiosity. If you look at the effects of something like Chatgpt, it gets the pressure, and looks forward and thinks of the world’s Computum world safety.

Powerful leaders seen to see in advance to look at these items from the box and look at the following. They may not be here today, but you have to understand what may be when they come.

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This text was written by David Rand and originally from The complete point .

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