Authorities in India today tied the Co-Founder Founder of SmishCryptocursencSenCTCURSNCTS is allowed by the US government in 2022 by facilitating tens of billions of dollars in the spending of transcriminal organizations. The sources of the investigation told Krbonsecurity Lithuanian National Aleksej Besciookov46, he was arrested while saddened on the Indian coasts and his family.
Aleksej BaŠcookov, “PROFORG,” “IRAM”. Image: US privacy service.
On March 7, the The US Justice Department of Justice (Doj) uncertain the case responsible for Beesciokov and another founder of Garantex, Aleksandr Mira Sail40, the Russian national residence in the United Arab Emirates.
Introduction in 2019, Galantex began to be seen by the US Treasure of Arphy’s investment office. Since those sacks are paid, Garantex has considered more than $ 60 billion, according to the Blockchain analysis company Elliptic.
“Garantex was used at the Russian staff, as well as a submission of crime including the beauty of Lazarus,” the elliptic writes in a blog post. “Garantex was also affected by Russian Oligarchs to submit their resources in the country, following the attack of Ukraine.”
DOJ is also fed by Beshware Besciokov was the basic Garantex technology and responsible for the effective galantex infrastructure, as well as review and renewal of transactions. Mira Serda allegedly is the founder of Garantex and the Great Manager.

In partnership with the issue of issues, the validity of German and Finnish law holds Galantex services servers. The notice of “Inquirely” Published by A secret service of US It says the US authorities are different from previous copies of Garantex servers, including customer and information information. Federal investigators claim to be filled with more than $ 26 million in investments used to facilitate galantex spending activities.
The Beheciokov was arrested in the last 24 hours while his family and family in Varkala, a large coastal city of India Western South African province. The Local Department of Varkala police confirmed Sesciokov arrest, and the suspect would appear in the Delhi Court on March 14 facing charges.

Varkala Beach in Kerala, India. Phage: Shutterstock, Dmitry Rukphenko.
Doj claim says Besciookov went on the hacker handle “mpororg. “This nickname is in line with the 20-year-old Russia-Dedicated Russia-Designed Russia and the Comment”mamaba. “
Besciokov Nomira Serda faces a certain offense of a certain offense to make the investment fee, which carries a 20-year sentence for jail. Besciookov is also one of the criminal damage to the international power violation of the Economic Empowerment Act – which has been sentenced to a senior 20th anniversary of the five-year prison.
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