Portable Premium Rating: 10%
The increase in market value: 11.1%
EC-Certified Cloud Security Engineer (C | CSE)
The nominees of the EC-Certified Cloud Security engineer will learn the safety of the cloud platform, including the cloud modules, pen, forensics, the reply of the incident, and ongoing business response. The program is AGNOSTIC, covering hundreds of suppliers as AWS, AWURS, and Google Cloud Four, and will specify the details 44 of the latest technology. C | The CSE is directed to experts that deal with the management of clouds, management, and operation that should also impact on its protection, networks, cybererser engineers, and cyberersi managers. Four-hour survey c | CSE contains 125 questions for more choices, at 70% of the pass. To qualify for the examination, you must be two years of experience in Infolec or take a formal EC-Council lesson.
Fees: C | The CSE has a video of US $ 718 and on-dem-course with a visible US $ 749 lab area.
Fees: US $ 100
Portable Premium Rating: 10%
The increase in market value: 11.1%
EC-Circil Certified Experience Incoponto Analyst (C | Tia)
A certified analysis of the Council’s colleague council takes a comprehensive approach to Cyber, which allows them to find threats, report them, reduce the risk of business, and use advanced strategies. It is good for those who face cyber threats, such as cybersercully engineers and analysts. 2 hours tests containing 50 questions in all eight domains, including its face, data analysis and hunting; Visitors must have 70% of the factory points. In order to qualify, you must be an elder as defined by your local potential and have two years of experience in infantoc or take legal training of the council. Smallers should have a parental support letter and enroll in an authorized school.
Fees: C | TIA provides a video course of US $ 388 and the LAB Manual Course of US $ 250.
Fees: US $ 100
Portable Premium Rating: 10%
The increase in market value: 11.1%
Fortininet Vertical Expert in Cyber Supburity (FCX)
Fortininin-Cyned Cyber Soccer Credential Cover of Network Network, Configuration and Troubleshooting on the Route Director. Verification consists of two parts: Two hours tests are included online or an operator compiled 60 Questions test for Fortenin Ninners in all Design Scenariots, a problem, and more; Also practical examination, where election candidates should complete 30 jobs in all two times reaching nine hours. In any part, only the elections get a notice of passing or failure, without any other information. FCX must be updated every three years by exceeding written and practical exams. In order to qualify, you must have a professional experience, but the Forteninet training center does not specify for at least for years.
Fees: FCX provides sample queries from the FCX record test (option you must sign in to obtain price information) and immersion through various numbers.
Fees: US $ 400, a written examination
Portable Premium Rating: 10%
The increase in market value: 11.1%
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