One Year Ahead of Stable Currency Rate Expectations

Now that the final Michigan poll for June is out, we have this picture:

Figure 1: Year by year actual CPI inflation (bold black), and expected inflation from University of Michigan (red), NY Fed (green), Survey of Professional Forecasts (green +), Coibion-Gorodnichenko SoFIE mean (blue squares) , and unit cost growth rate (chartreuse), all in %. Source: BLS, U.Michigan via FRED, Philadelphia Fed, Atlanta Fed, Cleveland Fed, and author’s statistics.

With CPI inflation running about 0.45 ppts faster than PCE inflation over the 1986-2024 period, we are close to the 2% PCE inflation target, at least as far as the SPF is concerned, perhaps half a ppt from the survey. Michigan (which historically has been ranked higher in terms of forecast errors). Note that unit cost expectations (Atlanta Fed) do not suggest imminent cost compression.

This entry was posted in with Menzies Chinn.

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