The remaining French are winning now

This is surprising to many people, as in the first round the right was doing much better in terms of votes and seats. We’ll read more soon, but for now I’m reminded of one of the mysteries of express voting theory. You may want to send a protest vote, but you don’t want too many other people sending the same protest vote. For example, some people who voted for Ralph Nader didn’t really want him to win. And the same could happen with the French right. So the very display of power from the right, in the first round, is likely to limit their next numbers. In general, you can say that equality, where there is a lot of clear voting, is very sensitive to the expectations about the behavior of others. Especially if the received clear votes come close to holding real power.

Do you know the apocryphal story of the economics department that wanted to decide, unanimously, to vote 18-3 in the case of a junior professor position? That was not allowed, so everyone voted for mercy.

I wonder what all this means for the low Democratic mini-primary!?

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