Two weeks after Pavel Durov’s arrest, Telegram increases rating for ‘illegal content’

The Telegram method is very confusing. By default, there is no E2EE in Telegram private or group messages. These are encrypted server side, which means, in theory, a company can encrypt its content if it wants to. Telegram’s private chats offer E2EE, but it’s not easy to set up. Durov blogged about why the company is avoiding E2EE, mainly, he said, so users can easily back up and access messages across multiple devices.

This is why it makes sense for the police to target criminals on the platform in a way that is not possible with applications that use E2EE: Telegram should be able to extract the content of Telegram messages if it chooses.

Of course, as an app that has been playing on its unruly MO for some time, Telegram doesn’t want to advertise what might happen. Indeed, the company has long been vocal about its determination to resist government surveillance, including falling out with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) in 2018 over its refusal to provide access to communications.

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